
How could Hashicorp Vault enhance Kubernetes Security

Please note: this article is written by Chen Xi Deployment Pattern Use Hashicorp Vault for Kubernetes Security PKI cert for Kubernetes API server When setup kubernetes cluster, Kubernetes requires PKI for bunch of certificate for kubelet and API server, scheduler, controller and etcd.

Event-Driven Application Design

Event-Driven Application Design Chen Xi hixichen@github why event driven? Better scalability. Increased versatility Event Stream Processing Amazon Kinesis: makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data.

Kubernetes as infra for startup

Kubernetes as infra for startup Chen Xi hixichen@github Why k8s? Kubernetes - an open-source container-orchestration system. You just want to have less Ops work for your company and save money!

Overview of CI/CD for startup

Overview of CI/CD for startup Chen Xi hixichen@github CI Jenkins requires SRE team. Never a option for small startup. Circle CI: ios/osx support, API integrated with AWS code deploy, ssh debug, docker support.

Get k8s events with minikube

How to use minikube play with minikube $ minikube start --cpus 2 --memory 2048 --vm-driver xhyve #create a small cluster on your mac/windows/linux $ minikube ip #eg: $ kubectl get no $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding default:default:clusteradmin --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount default:default $ export secret=`kubectl get serviceaccount default -o json | jq -r '.

Play kubernetes with minikube

This document describes how to use minikube on a Mac. Full Documentation Yaml: https://www.mirantis.com/blog/introduction-to-yaml-creating-a-kubernetes-deployment/ Google documentation is available at: http://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/minikube/ API spec: https://kubernetes.io/docs/api-reference/v1.6/. Practice: https://imhotepio.


10/18/2016 在夏洛特飞三番的飞机上。 一直用java刷题, 最近学习go语言,感觉就是面向过程编程的极大延伸 希望能给用go应对常见的算法面试。 暂时尚未找到比较合适的算法库。 潜在的选择 https://github.com/Workiva/go-datastructures 指针与结构体 type Point struct{ X,Y int } p:= Point{10,20} 结构体赋值 pp:=&Point{10,20} 结构体指针。 字符串 s:= “hello” temp:= s[2:3] slice 指向数组的某个片段 x:= []int{2,3,5,7,11} y:= x[1:3] len(p) p[i] s[lo:hi] 取 s 中的下表从 lo 开始到 hi-1 结束的部分