

When you face this issue while do “docker import”, please check your image. tar cvf image.tar image/ $cd image/ #you must enter into the directory to get the tar ball.


1.热迁移技术: 真的是热迁移么?no. kernel based vs userspace c/r 2.两个性能指标:downtime/total time: 3.CRIU安装: $ git clone –b v2.2 $ cd criu/ 安装依赖包: apt-get install -y libprotobuf-dev libprotobuf-c0-dev protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python-protobuf libnl-3-dev pkg-config libcap-dev asciidoc

use native docker checkpoint/restore on Ubuntu 14.04

writen by chen xi. From: [docker version]: As we try to use native docker checkpoint, you may need to use this specification version of Docker. thanks to Ross Boucher’s great work.

use python with pandas to get the skew in excel

write @2014 author: hixichen use python to read the data in excel and generate the skew(). python3.3: #this is a test case -- coding: gbk -- print(“hello python!中文”) #env config import xlrd import os import xlwt3 import numpy