Event-Driven Application Design

Event-Driven Application Design

Chen Xi


why event driven?

  • Better scalability.
  • Increased versatility

Event Stream Processing

Amazon Kinesis:

makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data.

Kinesis Limits:

  • Kinesis maximum size of a request data blob: 1MB.
  • The default shard quota is 500 shards per stream. can be scale to 5,000 shards.

Per Shared:

  • GetRecords: 5 TPS, The maximum number of records that can be returned per call is 10,000.
  • PutRecord: 1000 TPS, Each shard can support writes up to 1,000 records per second
  • PutRecords: Each PutRecords request can support up to 500 records. Each record in the request can be as large as 1 MB, up to a limit of 5 MB for the entire request, including partition keys. Each shard can support writes up to 1,000 records per second, up to a maximum data write total of 1 MB per second.

Apache Kafka:

an open-source stream-processing software platform

Sample App

image info


  • Read per stream: 5000(shareds) * 5TPS * 10000records
  • Write per stream: 5000(shareds) * 1000TPS * 1000records


  • Client complexity:

    • Enumerates the shards
    • Coordinates shards with other workers
    • Checkpoint for processed record.
    • Write at lease one.
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose to S3 with Protobuf data

    • if S3 data will be used for query, need lambda to process data.
    • a customer who implemented firehose in produciton before realising this, and getting bill shock.
  • Duplicate Records

  • TimeStamp: process time, sent time, receive time.

    Around 5 seconds gap here, if you query data at S3 partitions with 1 day window, you may read data that belongs to tomorrow, but miss data records lived in yesterday’s partition.

Chen Xi
Chen Xi
Software Engineer
