Overview of CI/CD for startup

Overview of CI/CD for startup

Chen Xi hixichen@github


  • Jenkins requires SRE team. Never a option for small startup.

  • Circle CI: ios/osx support, API integrated with AWS code deploy, ssh debug, docker support.

  • Github action: fully integrated with github, easy, free to small team.

  • Tekton: pipeline on k8s, nice future, under developing, requires ops work.

Github Action

  • Mainly used for unit test: build & test


  • Requires git permission to other private repos.
  • Secrets are shared for org, requires better RBAC model.



  • Fully automated
  • Can be triggered by event and manual
  • Multiple steps for one stage: test,deploy and verify
  • Multiple stages: dev, stable, staging(canary), production
  • One config for all stage with env update only.
  • Block/Approve model between stages

Why AWS code pipeline:

  • Source: S3/Github public/private repo
  • Build: aws codebuild
  • mage: aws ECR
  • Trigger: ecr new image or manual release
  • Test: directly run or apply yaml for test
  • Deployment: read yamls from source code
  • Detect: check health via curl or yaml Job

CD for kubernetes:

  • kustomize - Dynamic configurations in Kubernetes, Built in kubectl -k now!
├── base
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   └── service.yaml
└── overlays
    ├── test
    │   ├── dev.yaml
    │   ├── integration.yaml
    │   └── stress.yaml
    ├── development
    │   ├── cpu_count.yaml
    │   ├── kustomization.yaml
    │   └── replica_count.yaml
    └── production
        ├── cpu_count.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        └── replica_count.yaml


image info

stage: dev

  1. build image
  2. publish imagae
  3. apply
    • kubectl apply -k config/{ENVIRONMENT}
  4. use local deploy DB for test

stage: stable

  1. apply
  2. run integration test
  3. use single instance DB on AWS for test only.

stage: staging

  1. apply
  2. run integration test, perf test
  3. use multiple instance DB with backup on AWS.
  4. Try to simulate production env as much as you can.

stage: production

  1. release with shadown
  2. require manul approved process for pipeline.
Chen Xi
Chen Xi
Software Engineer
